Good Reads



Creativity in the Classroom (Article)

Ken Robinson – Schools Kill Creativity (Video)

50 Ways to Foster a Culture of Innovation (Article)

Disruptive Innovation – Lee Crockett and Ian Jukes (ISTE Keynote speech)


Collaboration Fluency (Article – click on “Collaboration Fluency” on the left column)

Twenty Ideas for Engaging Projects  (Article)

Collaborative Learning (Articles and Resources from Scoop.It)

Howard Rheingold: The New Power of Collaboration  (TED Talk – Ok, we know this is a video, but there are links below it on which to read and write your own comments) 🙂


Speaking Up in Class, Silently, Using Social Media (Article)

Ten Technologies To Increase Communication in Your Organization  (Article)

Skype Brings Classes Together (Article)


Committed Sardine   (Amazing Blog~ join by clicking “Commit Me” at the bottom of the page)

Grown Up Digital – Don Tapscott  (Book)

21st Century Skills: Learning for Life in Out Times – Bernie Trilling, Charles Fadel  (Book)

iBrain: Surviving the Technological Alteration of the Modern Mind – Gary Small, Gigi Vorgan (Book)

Everything Bad is Good for You: How Today’s Popular Culture is Actually Making Us Smarter – Steven Johnson (Book)

The Flipped Classroom  (Article)

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